I read a good article in the NYT the other day (thanks again, Kyle) dealing with the state of psychiatry in the USA. Over the years, psychiatrists have become known more …
Glee Gets it Right
Yes, I watch Glee. This must be the week for television shows and their intersection with psychology. Last week I blogged about American Idol’s similarity to group therapy…this week it’s Glee’s tackling …
American Idol as Group Therapy
My wife and I love American Idol. I think part of our attraction to the show is that we get to live vicariously through these young adults as they pursue fame …
Find the Nearest Happy Hour – Now!
David Brooks wrote a great article in the New York Times a couple of days ago. A big thanks to Jeremy Haynes for sending it to me. Brooks addresses what he …
Interpersonal Neuro…What?
I recently posted a link to Dan Siegel’s “Neurobiology of We,” an audio series in which he talks about the mutually influential nature of brain functioning, relationships, attachment, and mindfulness. If …
Great Resource on Interpersonal Neurobiology
Here’s a link to Dan Siegel’s “Neurobiology of We” audio series. I’ve been listening to this over the month or so, and it just blows my mind. He speaks in depth …