What Are the Signs of a Learning Disability? Where Are the Resources?
So, your child is struggling with school. Her handwriting is scattered and illegible, he has difficulty remembering math facts, he hates reading out loud, and she has a hard time getting her thoughts out on a page. Many children with learning disabilities are incredibly bright. There are just these unique obstacles and challenges that make their learning styles harder to understand. So, here are a few signs that may point to your child having a learning disability:
- Mispronouncing words (e.g., “ospital” or “pithostel” instead of “hospital”)
- Word substitutions (e.g., “The man grew a fuzzy, long ‘board.'”)
- Poor spelling and handwriting
- Poor hand-eye coordination
- Difficulty following instructions after repeated prompts
- Difficulty copying shapes, letters, and words
- Letter and word reversals (“b” instead of “d”, “was” instead of “saw”) after age 7
How Can I Be Sure My Child Has a Learning Disability?
There is plenty of anecdotal information everywhere. Teachers can give clues, and can point to areas of concern. Blogs and web articles can give a lot of information generally, which can at least provide a better understanding of what may be going on. But the best way to know for sure is to have a diagnosis from a clinician. The best way to receive a diagnosis is to have your child undergo a psychological evaluation. It is otherwise known as a neuropsychological assessment, psychoeducational evaluation, or something similar. An evaluation by a specialized clinician provides clarity and a clear path forward. If you think an evaluation can be helpful, then ask your child’s Primary Care Physician if they believe an evaluation for a learning disability would be helpful.
What Resources Are There?
There’s plenty of information online, but many parents feel overwhelmed and helpless with all that information. What we have found is that parents need specific recommendations and resources for their children. Instead of sending parents out to search for themselves, we compiled a list of helpful resources to consider. So, follow these recommended links if you would like practical recommendations and helpful tools for parenting and teaching children with a learning disability:
- Dyslexia
- Dysgraphia
- Dyscalculia
- Auditory Processing Disorder
- Language Processing Disorder
- Nonverbal Learning Disabilities
- Visual Perceptual/Visual Motor Deficit
- Executive Functions (ADD, ADHD)
We’re Here to Help!
Our clinicians specialize in assessment of learning disorders at our offices in Fort Collins. With our comprehensive approach and in-depth analysis of results, we can “get-at” just about anything. Feel free to give us a call and learn how counseling or a psychological evaluation could be helpful or to schedule an appointment. You can reach us at (970) 889-8204 or contact@coloradocac.com.